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Thursday, November 14, 2013

When Commenting On Blog Posts, Try To Use Your Real Name

In a recent video published by Google’s head of search spam, Matt Cutts talks about are blog comments with links spam?
In short, most of the time, commenting and leaving links to your site or resources is not directly spam but like anything, it can be abused.
Matt offers some tips on how to make sure your comments are not considered spam by Google or the site you are leaving it on:
(1) Use your real name when commenting. When you use a company name or anchor text you want to rank for, it makes it look like you are leaving the comment for commercial marketing purposes and thus may look spammy.
(2) If your primary link building strategy is about leaving links in blog post comments and it shows that a majority of your links come from blog comments, then that might raise a red flag.
Here is Matt’s video:

Importance of Fresh Content by Mattcutts

SEO's regularly see that fresh articles will rank in 1st and 2nd pages of Google for relevant

keywords initially few days after publishing a article. However it will lose rankings after few days. No one has clue why respective article has ranked top initially and lost rankings after a time. 
Mattcutts explained the reason in the following video. Google usually gives more importance to fresh content than old content. Infact Google would like to test whether new content is better than old content or not. Google will rank each fresh article in the top positions for few keywords and look for the following factors.

  1. How the visitors are engaging with the content? 
  2. How much time they are spending?
  3. How visitors are linking the content?
  4. How visitors are sharing the content in social platforms?
Based on above factors, Google will know the quality of old vs new content. If the new content is good and link worthy compared to old content then Google will make your ranking stable in top positions.

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